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Jiang Hanchen


Jiang Hanchen, born in 1992, was a Lecturer in School of Government, University of International Business and Economics. He received his Bachelor degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2013 and his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2019. He was a postdoctoral researcher in School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, and a visiting scholar in University of California, San Diego, USA. His research interests include digital government, and computational   social   sciences.   He has published more than 20 papers   in Public Administration, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, European Management Journal,   Land Use Policy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews and other Chinese or international journals. His research work has been  supported  by National Natural  Science  Foundation  of China  and  China  Postdoctoral  Science Foundation. He participated in two projects granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China. He was  a  Shuimu fellow in Tsinghua University and won the excellent Ph.D. dissertation of  Tsinghua University.

Research interests

Digital governance, Computational social science,

Contact information

Address: Room 906, Chengxin Building, School of Government, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China

Telephone: 18801301146

Email: jhc09@qq.com/03174@uibe.edu.cn


Tsinghua University, Management Science and Engineering, Ph.D. (2013/09 - 2019/07 )

University of California, Department of Economics, Visiting Ph.D. student (2016/ 10 - 2017/09) Tsinghua University, Hydraulic Engineering, Bachelor (2009/09 - 2013/06)

Working Experience

Tsinghua University, School of Public Policy and Management, Post-doctoral researcher (2019-2022) University of International Business and Economics, School of Government, Lecturer (2022-)


Public Policy and Economic Development (Ph.D. students), Global Governance (Ph.D. students), International Strategic Management (Undergraduates)


1.  Shuimu fellowship, Tsinghua University (2020)

2.  Excellent Ph.D. dissertation, Tsinghua University (2019)


1.   Xing  Chen,  Hanchen  Jiang*,  Jiaheng  Ling.  (2023).  Addressing  Multitasking  Problems  Through  Promotion Incentives:  An  Empirical  Study  of  Local  Governments in China. Public Performance & Management Review. Accepted.

2.    Dongcheng Zhang, Hanchen Jiang*, Maoshan Qiang. (2023). Public attitudes toward hydropower in China: The role of information provision and partisan identification. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 195, 122800.   3.    Hanchen Jiang, Xiao Tang. Effects of local government social media use on citizen compliance during a crisis: Evidence from the COVID- 19 crisis in China. Public Administration, 2023, 101(3): 843-863.

4.    江汉臣,  卢樱丹, 唐啸. 政策宣介中“借鉴发达国家经验”能够提高公众政策支持吗?—— 以房产税政策为例. 公共行政评论, 2022, 15(2):115- 132

5.    Hanchen Jiang, Mengqing Zhang.  Online  information adoption about public infrastructure projects in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 310, 127527.

6.    Hanchen  Jiang,  Maoshan  Qiang, Qixiang Fan, Mengqing  Zhang. Scientific research driven  by large-scale infrastructure projects: A case study of the Three Gorges Project in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 134, 61-71.

7.   Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Dongcheng Zhang, Qi Wen, Bingqing Xia, Nan An. Climate   Change Communication in an Online Q&A Community: A Case Study of Quora. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5), 1509.

8.   Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Peng Lin,  Qi Wen, Bingqing Xia, Nan An. Framing the Brahmaputra river hydropower development: different concerns in riparian and international media reporting. Water Policy, 2017, 19, 496-512.

9.    Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Peng Lin. Assessment of online public opinions on large infrastructure projects: A case study of the Three Gorges Project in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2016, 61, 38-51.

10.  Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Peng Lin. A topic modeling based bibliometric exploration of hydropower research. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 57, 226-237.

11.  Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Peng Lin. Finding academic concerns of the Three Gorges Project based on a topic modeling approach. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 60, 693-701.

12.  江汉臣, 林鹏, 强茂山.  基于实时定位系统的监理人员管理和评价.  清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(09), 950-956, 963.

13.  Hanchen  Jiang,  Peng  Lin,  Maoshan  Qiang.  Public-Opinion  Sentiment  Analysis for  Large  Hydro Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2016, 142(2), 05015013.

14.  江汉臣,邓晓梅, 强茂山.  建筑市场业主和承包商行为策略演化博弈分析.  建筑经济, 2015, 36(08), 97- 101. 15. Hanchen Jiang, Peng Lin, Maoshan Qiang, Qixiang Fan. A labor consumption measurement system based on realtime tracking technology for dam construction site. Automation in Construction, 2015, 52, 1- 15.

16.  江汉臣,  强茂山.  四种项目管理成熟度模型的比较研究.  项目管理技术, 2013, (7), 17-22.

17.  张东成,  强茂山,  江汉臣,  黄钰洁.大型工程安全隐患管理协作特征挖掘.  清华大学学报(自然科学版): 2021, 1-7

18.  孙明豪,  强茂山,  江汉臣,  康延领.  西藏小型水电站开发阻碍因素.  水利经济, 2021, 39(02): 77-81+98. 19. 强茂山,  江汉臣.  数字化驱动:项目管理深度创新的引擎.  项目管理评论, 2018(02): 16- 18.

20. Bingqing  Xia,  Maoshan  Qiang,  Hanchen  Jiang, Qi  Wen,  Nan  An,  Dongcheng  Zhang. 2020. Phase-based externality   analysis    for   large   hydropower    projects.   Environmental    Impact   Assessment    Review,   80(Jan.), 106332.1- 106332.12.

21. Nan An, Maoshan Qiang, Qi Wen, Hanchen Jiang, Bingqing Xia. Contribution of project managers ’ capability to project ending performance under stressful conditions. European Management Journal. 2019, 37, 198-209.

22. Dongcheng Zhang, Maoshan Qiang, Hanchen Jiang, Qi Wen, Nan An, Bingqing Xia. Social sensing system for water conservation project: a case study of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China. Water Policy, 2018, 20, 667-691.

23. Bingqing Xia, Maoshan Qiang, Wenchao Chen, Qixiang Fan, Hanchen Jiang, Nan An. A benefit-sharing model for hydropower projects based on stakeholder input-output analysis: A case study of the Xiluodu Project in China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 73, 341-352.

24. 强茂山,  张东成,  江汉臣. 基于加速度传感器的建筑工人施工行为识别方法.  清华大学学报  (自然科学版), 2017, 57( 12), 1338- 1344.

25. Maoshan Qiang, Qi Wen, Hanchen Jiang, Shangnan Yuan. Factors governing  construction project delivery selection: A content analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 2015, 33(8), 1780- 1794.

26. 袁尚南,  强茂山,  温祺,  江汉臣. 基于模糊层次分析法的建设项目组织效能评价模型. 清华大学  学报  (自 然科学版), 2015, 55(6), 616-623.

27. 强茂山,  温祺, 江汉臣,  袁尚南.  建设管理模式匹配关系及其对项目绩效的影响.   同济大学学报(自然科学 版), 2015, 43( 1), 0160-0166.

Working Papers

1.    Hanchen  Jiang,  Dongcheng  Zhang, Xiao Tang. The impact of Keju, a historical meritocratic institution, on social distancing during COVID- 19.

2.   Hanchen  Jiang, Bo  Fan,  Xiao Tang. Local Government Social Media  Responses  to Public Health Crisis: Evidence from the COVID- 19 epidemic in China.

3.    Dongcheng Zhang, Hanchen Jiang, Maoshan Qiang, Kunpeng Zhang, Liangfei Qiu. Time to Stop Rewards? The Consequences of Canceling Monetary Incentives.

Research grants

National Natural Science Foundation: Digital government construction, user evaluation, and public

satisfaction: An empirical study for local governments in China

Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation: public participation in environmental governance in the age of social media

Academic services

Reviewers for Technovation, International Journal ofPublic Administration, Humanities and Social

Sciences Communications, Human Ecology, Water Resources Management, Ecological Indicators, Journal ofHydrology, Automation in Construction

You are welcome!

Students and friends who are interested in computational social science, digital governance, and quantitative historical research are welcome to contact with me.